Hatchery Project RFQ

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Education Center

SAM opened a new 100-acre Outdoor Education Center in 2020. It includes 3.2 miles of hiking/nature trails, two trout fishing ponds for children and the disabled, a limited-use outdoor range and a safe space where youth groups can camp.

The center was established as part of SAM’s commitment to educate the public concerning wildlife conservation and management, field sports, and related programs and to provide a place where youth groups and others can hike, fish and camp throughout the year while learning all aspects of conservation through interaction and hands-on activities.

Further development of the center in ongoing. A beautifully renovated barn for use as an indoor classroom and for equipment storage was added in 2021.

The Outdoor Education Center is enhanced by SAM’s 7,000 sq. ft. conference center and office space. This large facility affords excellent opportunities for education, training, meetings, and gatherings. Over two dozen hunter safety courses and outdoor education class es are conducted annually. The space includes indoor and outdoor archery ranges.

SAM uses its website, bi-monthly newsletter/magazine, Facebook page for members as well as email, radio, television and podcasts to keep members informed about legislative activity, candidates running for office and information on issues that directly impact their outdoor interests and activities.