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If you’re looking to help us challenge the 72 Hour Waiting Period Law, please be sure to donate through our sister organization, SAM Institute for Legislative Action (SAM-ILA).

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Join SAM and become one of Maine’s most powerful advocates for Sportsmen and Women

SAM was founded in 1975 to be an advocate for hunters, anglers, trappers, and gun owners.

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SAM News Latest Issue

SAM-ILA Reaction and Analysis of Lewiston Tragedy

The Case Against Shortening the Season on Coyotes in Maine

Our Position on Proposal by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Create National Wildlife Refuge in the High Peaks Region


SAM is a state-wide organization that has a proven record of leadership at the state and federal level for interacting with the legislature, state agencies, local communities, sportsman groups and others to enhance and preserve Maine’s outdoor heritage.


SAM led the effort that created the Land for Maine’s Future program that has protected over 600,000 acres of land of statewide importance based on their natural and recreational value and then spearheaded the use of bonding which has resulted in a first-time general fund appropriation of $40 million being added to the Program to be spent over 4 years.


SAM’s core values are Leadership, Integrity, and Fairness.

Leadership continues to be the foundation for SAM’s success.

Our five key segments of Leadership – the SAM Board of Directors, the Institute for Legislative Action, Staff, Committees, and Volunteers – are all dedicated to SAM’s vision, mission, and core values.

Honoring Service

SAM’s Veterans and First Responders Program (V/FR) was developed to thank those men and women who have defended our freedoms and protected our health and safety. The goal of the program is to provide family-oriented opportunities that allow veterans and their families to experience the outdoor heritage for which Maine is famous.

Education Center

SAM opened a new 100-acre Outdoor Education Center in 2020. It includes 3.2 miles of hiking/nature trails, two trout fishing ponds for children and the disabled, a limited-use outdoor range and a safe space where youth groups can camp

Who is SAM?

SAM Vision – To be the trusted and respected leader of Maine’s 300,00 sports men and sports women throughout the State of Maine.

SAM Mission – is a non-profit corporation founded in 1975 to promote conservation of Maine’s wildlife resources and to be an advocate for hunters, anglers, trappers and gun owners throughout the state.

Business Members

Maine Upland Guide Service

Maine Upland Guide Service

Chick Hill Guide Service

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Join us while we protect Maine's outdoor heritage and take advantage of discounts from our partners.


Johnsons True Value