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Hunting Trapping


    • Where Can I Hunt on Maine Public Reserved Lands
      The state has an excellent map on their website of Maine Public Reserved Lands and there uses.
    • Where Can I Hunt in Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Management Areas?
      This site maintained by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife provides information on the department’s wildlife management districts, all of which are open to hunting, and includes maps and a list of available activities.
    • Where Can I Hunt in Maine State Parks and Public Lands?
      Maintained by the Department of Conservation, this site provides information on Maine’s State Parks and Public Lands, all of which are open to hunting, and includes maps and rules. NOTE: Be sure to read and observe BPL’s hunting rules.
    • Where Can I Hunt on Nature Conservancy land? Nearly all the land owned and managed by the Maine Chapter of the Nature
       Conservancy is open to hunting. Use the Maine law book as a guide. This page lists all TNC holdings in the state and offers descriptions of the land, size of the plot, directions to the area and more.
    • Where Can I Hunt in The North Maine Woods?
      More than 3 million acres in Maine’s fabled north woods is open to hunting and managed by North Maine Woods. Lots of information is available on their website, including an informative booklet.

The Maine Tourism Association provides hunting information on its website ( including special events for hunters. Do a search for “hunting” in the MTA’s recreation section.

The Maine Tourism Commission offers information about hunting on its website ( Do a search for “hunting.”

Need a guide? The Maine Professional Guides Association maintains an excellent website ( including an opportunity to search for guides by activity and location. Another excellent website ( has guides, lodging and other services.

In addition to SAM’s publications, two monthly magazines are full of great information about hunting and fishing in Maine: The Maine Sportsman and Northwoods Sporting Journal.

Landowner Relations:

Hunting Projects and Reports:


Trapping History and Basics

Prepared by: David Miller
September 26, 2012
History has written down the bold, exciting, dangerous ventures of the brave, daring men who broke and blazed the trails of opportunity and expansion of the North American Frontier with hard work, sacrifice, hardships and bloodshed.
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Getting Started in Trapping

Prepared by: Bob Noonan and Gerry Lavigne
September 26, 2012
Some general tips and basic trapping gear.
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